Thursday, May 8, 2008

Frustratingly Hot

Work crushes are fun for the first few weeks. They remind me of high school. You plan your day around the possibility of seeing your crush. You dress up on days you know you'll bump into him and try to be near him when you're saying something particularly witty.

But after a time, the fun wears thin, and the crush becomes a depressing exercise in fruitless longing. It's even worse when you suspect that the object of your affection knows about your puppy lust and feels a little sorry for you. Gah! So much like high school. Without the unfortunate yearbook pictures.

1 comment:

AlehouseGirl said...

Oh! So that's why you always used to come to work in your prom gowns and quote "Blazing Saddles"....

Nice to know I still gots it :P