Friday, May 2, 2008

I saw The Sixth Sense in the theater with my brother. I was one of those people who got completely sucked in. I did not figure out that Bruce Willis's character was dead until the wedding ring hit the floor. I can still remember where I was in the theater and the reactions of the other people.

M. Night Shyamalan has spent many years and movies trying to recapture that magic, but I wish he would stop. Not making movies but trying to duplicate the gasp factor he achieved with his first film. The Sixth Sense wasn't great because it surprised me, but because it moved me. The entire cast nailed it and the writing didn't give anything away but it didn't hold back. Watching it now, I am amazed at how many clues I got before the big reveal.

I think that's why it's such an amazing movie. It reminds us that no matter how closely we think we're paying attention, we miss hundreds of small details every day. About places and events but especially about people.

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